Herringbone Bindery
Erin Fletcher : Fine Binding & Edition Binding
Welcome to the Herringbone Bindery Shop! The selection below ranges from my custom design & fine bindings, models made during workshops, and prints of original work.

Panel Prints
Decorate your own space with a high quality archival print of my original work.

Design & Fine Bindings
These bindings are crafted with the utmost attention to detail and the highest quality of craftsmanship. Click on each binding to learn more about the materials, construction, and my intentions behind the design. If you are interested in adding one of these bindings to your collection then please contact me directly.

Workshop Seconds
Each of these models were made with care during a workshop demonstration and therefore it may have some flaws or visible marks made for the sake of my students. After each year of teaching I accumulate quite a collection of blank books and boxes that I want to give a new home.