Herringbone Bindery
Erin Fletcher : Fine Binding & Edition Binding
The Boundless Lady Bookbinder print. Living room with The Boundless Lady Bookbinder print on the wall. Close up of The Boundless Lady Bookbinder print. Close up of The Boundless Lady Bookbinder print. Close up of The Boundless Lady Bookbinder print. Close up of The Boundless Lady Bookbinder print. Office desk with The Boundless Lady Bookbinder print on the wall.

$75 — plus shipping
Orders will begin shipping mid-November
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$75 — plus shipping*
Orders will begin shipping mid-November
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Prints // The Boundless Lady Bookbinder
Print of The Boundless Lady Bookbinder created in collaboration by Gabby Cooksey and Erin Fletcher. Original piece includes hand-tattooed goatskin and onlays cut from handmade paper, goatskin and buffalo skin with details added with hand embroidery and colored pencils. Signed by both artists. Edition of 30.

Printed in full color on archival paper // matte Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 gsm

Size: 11 x 14" (27.9 x 35.5cm) // Unframed

We created this piece for a Guild of Book Workers Exhibit on the theme of Night Circus.

To capture the trailblazing spirit of women in our field we created a circus poster showcasing the tattooed lady. These performers worked around the turn of the 20th century to transgress the gender norms of the Victorian Era. Around the same time, female binders began to make waves. Since then, many talented women have continued to shape the landscape, making it possible for us to pursue our own passions. Our tattooed lady pays homage to these women by covering her body with imagery of their work along with tools of the trade.

Featured in the tattoos:
  • Rose Adler
  • Hannah Brown
  • Coleen Curry
  • Annette Friedrich
  • Monique Lallier
  • Shanna Leino
  • Mme Marot-Rodde
  • Tini Miura
  • Sarah Prideaux
  • Sybil Pye
  • Sol Rebora

Gabby Cooksey
Gabby illustrated and hand-tattooed the lady, goat and gobra with black ink on goatskin.

Erin Fletcher
Erin hand cut the leather and handmade paper onlays and embellished them with embroidery & colored pencil.