Herringbone Bindery
Erin Fletcher : Fine Binding & Edition Binding
Artist demoing the Millimeter binding. Artist showing the front cover of a Millimeter binding. Close-up on the corner of a Millimeter binding. Artist showing the spine of a Millimeter binding.

Registration closes on July 31st
4 Live Sessions + 2 Optional Self-guided Sessions:
August 8, 13, 15, 20
(Tuesday & Thursday evenings)

Session 1 runs for 2 hours
Session 2 runs for 1 hour
Sessions 3 & 4 run for 1.5 hours

Start of class:
6:00pm (eastern time)
5:00pm (central)
4:00pm (mountain time)
3:00pm (pacific time)
Workshop // Millimeter Binding

The Millimeter binding came about during World War I when leather became a scarce resource for binders. Still wanting to provide an elegant leather binding for their clients, binders would use a minimal amount of leather to cover the spine and corners. Only about 1-2mm would creep onto the board from the joint. In this workshop students will be creating a classic Millimeter binding, however, we will discuss alternative ways to cover. This workshop will offer 2 optional sessions demonstrating edge decoration with graphite and making paste papers, which are unique features of the Millimeter binding.

This workshop will include both live and pre-recorded instruction. Live sessions will happen through Zoom, while pre-recorded sessions will be accessible through a password protected website. This workshop is open to students at an intermediate level. Please contact me if you have questions determining if this workshop is right for you.

Note: for this workshop you MUST have access to a job backer or backing irons. If you want to add edge decoration, you MUST have access to a plough or guillotine.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Material Kit
The registration fee includes a material kit, which will be shipped to you prior to the workshop. In order to receive the material kit on time, please register by July 27th. Below is a list of tools and materials that you must supply yourself.

Tools and Materials
Students must supply the following tools and materials. Check out the vendor list for recommended suppliers.

  • Acrylic paint (only required if you plan on making your own paste paper)
  • Beeswax
  • Bench knife
  • Blue tape
  • Bone folder
  • Craft Knife – Olfa or X-Acto
  • Cutting Mat
  • Decorative paper – I recommend a lightweight paper between 90 - 120gsm, this is also true if you plan on making your own paste paper (I like using Mohawk or Ingres for paste papers)
  • Dividers
  • Double-sided tape (1/4”)
  • Glue Brushes for PVA & Paste (you’ll want a range from small to medium in size)
  • Graphite powder (only required for edge decoration)
  • Hammer
  • Hide glue and Bridle brush (only required if this is your preferred adhesive for rounding and backing)
  • Linen thread – 25/3
  • Needle – No. 18 sharp or blunt
  • Paring knife and litho stone (or whatever hard surface you prefer to pare on)
  • Pencil
  • Pin vise or Awl
  • PVA
  • Ruler
  • Sanding Block
  • Sandpaper – you’ll want various grits from super fine to coarse
  • Scalpel or small lifting knife – I suggest no. 25A blade for scalpel or a shape that resembles and English-style paring knife
  • Scissors
  • Sea sponge and bowl of water
  • Teflon folder
  • Wax paper
  • Wheat starch paste

  • Machinist's square
  • Sandpaper Stick (only if you already have one, other you can use sandpaper scraps)

Equipment Required
  • Board Shear or Kuttrimmer
  • Finishing Press
  • Job Backer or Backing Irons
  • Nipping press (optional)
  • Plough (optional, however required for edge decoration)
  • Press boards
  • Punching cradle (optional)

Reduced Rate Workshop Fee
Two seats are available at a reduced rate of $245. Please click on the button below to find out more information about how to submit. Application closed on July 3rd.

Each Workshop is Recorded
All workshops will be recorded and made available to all registered students for a period of 90 days. A link to the recording will be sent out 1 day after it is recorded.

Refund Policy
No refunds will be issued once material kits are shipped or 10 days prior to the start of the workshop. Workshops will run with a minimum of 4 students, if this number is not met then a refund will be issued.