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Posts Tagged ‘painting’

  1. Artist: Klari Reis

    March 13, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    For the longest time, I’ve been awed by the cellular growth in petri dishes. The cultures are so visually stunning and colorful and I’ve often wanted to replicate the patterns and textures through embroidery.

    So naturally, I was excited to see this work by artist Klari Reis, who has created these wonderful paintings using reflective epoxy polymer inside plexiglass petri dishes. Klari installs her work in clusters of 30, 60 and 150.petri5-klarireis petri7-klarireis petri6-klarireis petri1-klarireis petri8-klarireis

  2. Artist: Alan Brown of Medusa Wolf

    March 6, 2013 by Erin Fletcher

    batforce-alanbrown1Jason and I are just tickled by the work of Alan Brown of Medusa Wolf. Every year for our anniversary we love to add a piece of original art to our collection. I think we’ve already made a decision for this year, but I’m not sure if we can wait until September. How can you resist two macho dudes spouting sentiments!easternsmallfrybat-alanbrown

    revoluko-alanbrown spokiscornu-alanbrowncyclar-alanbrown1

  3. Artist: Marina Muun

    March 6, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Marina Muun states that she is inspired by the natural, unnatural and supernatural; a perfect combination that spawns into delightful works of art. I am particularly fond of the piece above, DepartureNot only becuase it reminds me of the Mook creature from My Grey Sky, but Marina captures death in such a poetic manner. The life slowly unraveling from the body. 

    But she swept my heart with her work Collecting, a simple artist book with a series of painted vitrines.collecting-marinamuun raindeity-marinamuun littlefriends-marinamuun


  4. Artist: Cornelia O’Donovan

    February 21, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    I love these paintings from Cornelia O’Donovan. Her work speaks of traditional American folk art with a wonderful range raw, unrefined figures and animals. The color palette is spot on with the era: rich china blues, vibrant scarlet reds and chartreuse greens. Cornelia’s art would perfectly adorn any cozy homestead. 

    thedeeptwilightofrest-corneliaodonovan aseriesofunfortunateevents-corneliaodonovan yetallthingsmustdie-corneliaodonovan inhisbluegardens-corneliaodonovan

  5. Artist: Shawn Huckins

    February 20, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Shawn Huckins has created just a priceless series of work by combining classic portrait paintings overlapped by Twitter tweets and texts. Each piece is more hilarious than the last. I have to admit, I’m not a frequent user of texting acronyms, so I’m happy Shawn spells everything out in his titles.srrry2-shawnhuckins lol-shawnhuckins swag-shawnhuckins wdyt-shawnhuckins

  6. Artist: Clare Grill

    February 6, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    These stunning paintings from Clare Grill excite movement with each brushstroke. The dull color palette and aged appearance of each piece suggests they might be a fragment to an ancient artifact; a link to some grander story.

    fits_claregrill carve_claregrill ette_claregrill yank_claregrill star_claregrill

    VIA: Dull Diamond

  7. Artist: Lena Wolff

    January 31, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Inspired by the shapes in traditional American quilts, Lena Wolff collages each piece with paper and hand-cut painted pieces of watercolor and gouache or simply designs them with pencil. The triangle is commonly used in quilting, in Lena’s case the triangle successfully carries the eye through the design.

    eightpointedstar_lenawolff pinkredbrownwithdiamond_lenawolff blackdahlia_lenawolff radianceflag_lenawolff

  8. Artist: Matias Santa Maria

    January 31, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Tigers, UFOs, faceless beings, oh my! The work of Matias Santa Maria is quite fantastical as he collides nature, cosmology and the presence of man in his highly stylized and colorful paintings. 

    whiteningfrots_matiassantamaria apioverde_matiassantamaria maihue_matiassantamaria keios_matiassantamaria alexissanches_matiassantamaria

  9. Artist: Claire Falkenberg

    January 24, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    There is something frustrating yet mystifying about the work of Claire Falkenberg. Massive hazy orbs appear almost illuminated and purposefully obstruct our full perspective, allowing only subtle hints of what may lie beneath. I feel compelled to stare, as if my gaze will break through the barrier revealing the hidden imagery.newday_clairefalkenberg dusk_clairefalkenberg winter_clairefalkenberg tree_clairefalkenberg

  10. Artists: AMTK

    January 23, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Andrew Mazorol and Tynan Kerr act as the duo AMTK, who together bring a blend of whimsy to their paintings with a bold color palette and strong imposing patterns. With each painting there is a sense of puzzlement, inviting the view to witness the customs and rituals of a bizarre culture.

    seance_amtk edgeofcamp_amtk healing_amtk raft_amtk theendofnowhere_amtk newcommunity_amtk

  • My name is Erin Fletcher, owner and bookbinder of Herringbone Bindery in Boston. Flash of the Hand is a space where I share my process and inspirations.
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