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‘sculpture’ Category

  1. Artist: Matt Wedel

    January 30, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    There are so many wonderful elements coming together in the sculpture work of Matt Wedel: dripping color, floral blooms atop plump foundations, irregular rocky structures and the glossy finish of ceramic; making each piece a captivating object. 

    rock_mattwedel roguewave09_mattwedel flowertree_mattwedel1 flowertree_mattwedel2

  2. Artist: Lauren Clay

    December 26, 2012 by Erin Fletcher

    unendingamends_laurenclayThere are so many things I love about the work of Lauren Clay, but the main two reasons are her glorious use of color and paper! Lauren so splendidly transforms paper into lively dimensional objects. And her collaged marbled papers may inspire future book covers!

    marcopolo_laurenclay bothsides_laurenclayuntitled_laurenclay

  3. Artist: AJ Fosik

    December 26, 2012 by Erin Fletcher


    I’m incredibly impressed by anyone who can manipulate and sculpt wood into anything more than a sharp point. These pieces from AJ Fosik have been on my radar for awhile, transforming the traditional hunting trophies by layering hundreds of wooden pieces to form these confrontational bestial sculptures saturated in a psychedelic color palette. ifiswallowsomething_ajfosik samsquanch_ajfosik tonguesblackassticks_ajfosik

  4. Artist: Nathan Prouty

    December 20, 2012 by Erin Fletcher


    Are they alien life-forms or desserts of the future? Either way, these sculptures from Nathan Prouty are scrumptious. As a self-proclaimed image junkie, Nathan collects from all corners of the internet, compounding his ever evolving collection of imagery into these charming objects. 
    geministiltonfinklebean_nathanprouty paffydoola_nathanprouty

  5. Artist: Drew Tyndell

    December 19, 2012 by Erin Fletcher


    Greatly inspired by 70’s cabin architecture and his woodworking father, Drew Tyndell brilliantly assembles abstract dwellings through the use of scrap wood, painting in structural elements such as doors, windows and stairs. Oh yea, by day Drew is the creative director of Awesome Incorporated creating animations for Adult Swim, Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. So all around this dude is pretty swell. 

    cabinstudy1_drewtyndell modernlandscape_drewtyndell repair2_drewtyndell goundwater_drewtyndell

  6. Artist: Sarah Blood

    November 28, 2012 by Erin Fletcher

    Employing the technology of luminous gas and glass, Sarah Blood creates minimalistic sculpture work with neon lamps and concrete. Her work is absolutely stunning and bleak, aggressively combining two very different materials.

  7. Artist: Kate de Para

    November 21, 2012 by Erin Fletcher

    Don’t be deceived by these objects, these rocks are handcrafted with handmade abaca paper and various salts adding texture and color. This is just one series from artist Kate de Para, her work explores various mediums from sculpture to drawing to photography, all capturing elements of the world around her.

  8. Artist: Brendan Monroe

    November 15, 2012 by Erin Fletcher

    Brendan Monroe paints his vision of our world with inspirations rooted in science. The quality of his painting reminds me a lot of contemporary marbling with the thick wave-like lines. I really love his little sculptures, especially the dude made up of dried paint scraps. Brendan offers a small collection of zines from his shop. I just ordered copies of IslandsIslands N. 2, and Between Here and Here; I can’t for them to arrive!

  9. Artist: Debra Baxter

    October 25, 2012 by Erin Fletcher

    Debra Baxter creates the most awe-inspiring, surrealist sculptures; transforming alabaster into soft cloth-like forms and then bonding them to rigid pyrite or porous concrete. Playing with different materials and textures Debra creates objects almost alien as if unearthed from some foreign landscape.

  10. Artist: Ginette Lapalme

    October 4, 2012 by Erin Fletcher

    There are so many wonderfully happy things happening in the world of Ginette Lapalme. Bright colors, child-like doodles, diamonds and cats. So many cats! I have quite a soft spot in my heart for the fury little creatures, mainly due to my affections towards my own felines, Peru and Lima. I have no idea what is going on with her art and sometimes that is a good thing.

    I recently received my own cat amulet from Ginette’s Etsy shop. To my surprise I received my necklace in a mint colored box decorated by hand with marker and butterfly stickers, sealed with pink cat motif tape. In addition to my fabulous new necklace, I also received 2 itty bitty artist books and a yellow strawberry eraser (just like the ones I use to collect as a kid).

  • My name is Erin Fletcher, owner and bookbinder of Herringbone Bindery in Boston. Flash of the Hand is a space where I share my process and inspirations.
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