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‘art’ Category

  1. Artist: Hanna Konola

    January 10, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Have a Year of Confetti with these charming posters from illustrator Hanna Konola! Her delightfully, whimsical designs are available on textiles, too. Treat yourself to a tote or tea towel.

    confettikesa_hannakonola confettiloka_hannakonola hannakonola confettisyys_hannakonola

    VIA: The Art Cake

  2. Artist: Ryan Stewart Nault

    January 9, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    I really enjoy these paintings from Ryan Stewart Nault. Perhaps it’s the unusual and quirky still life or the palette of natural tones with bursts of corals that I love. 

    untitled_ryanstewartnault2untitled_ryanstewartnault3 untitledcontemplationroom_ryanstewartnaultmodernmorning_ryanstewartnault

  3. Artist: Hollis Brown Thornton

    January 9, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Hollis Brown Thornton plays with memory and time by fragmenting nostalgic imagery. Hollis uses acrylic paints, markers and photo transfer to control the amount of visibility and degradation within each image, playing with how pop culture, world events and outdated technologies languish as time moves forward and memory fades. 

    hansolo_hollisbrownthornton unexplainedmysteriesoftheuniverse_hollisbrownthorntonthereisatigerinthesky_hollisbrownthornton challenger_hollisbrownthornton

  4. Photographer: Sarah Anne Johnson

    January 9, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    During an artist’s residency on board a sailboat near the Arctic Circle, Canadian artist Sarah Anne Johnson captures these alluring images of the surrounding landscape. In the series Arctic Wonderland, the landscapes are transformed further into surrealism through the subtle application of pigment by using techniques ranging from painting with acrylics and india ink to photoshop and screen-printing. 

    ripple_sarahannejohnson explosion_sarahannejohnsonblackbox_sarahannejohnson darkcloud_sarahannejohnson box_sarahannejohnson

    VIA: Julie Saul Gallery

  5. Artist: Brook&Lyn

    January 3, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Mimi Jung is the creative force behind Brook&Lyn, a talented jeweler incorporating natural elements into her contemporary pieces. In addition to her jewelry, Mimi offers these gorgeous hand woven wall hangings. She beautifully contrasts a thin warp with a bulbous weft; exposing the warp in some areas in addition to dimensional elements of fringe, tassels and strips of tree bark. 

    greenandgraywindows palmtreebarkpairgreensketch naturalelement2

    VIA: Honestly WTF

  6. Artist: Murad Khan Mumtaz

    January 3, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    Pakistani artist Murad Khan Mumtaz uses his training in the art of Indian miniature painting to create these beautiful scenes depicting bits of traditional culture as they fade away in our contemporary materialistic landscape. Keeping with traditional practices, Murad paints on a canvas of wasli paper, which is prepared by glueing sheets together with flour paste and then burnished with either a smooth glass ball or sea shell. Burnishing crushes any grain leaving a shiny, smooth finish.

    ghostnation1_muradkhanmumtaz hermitage_muradkhanmumtazghostnation6_muradkhanmumtaz visitation_muradkhanmumtaz

  7. Photographer: Matt Shallenberger

    January 2, 2013 by Erin Fletcher

    treestarbird2_mattshallenbergerIn a recent series titled Trees, Stars and Birds photographer Matt Shallenberger uses light to isolate tree forms through highlights and silhouette in the blackness of night. These eerie images are quite lovely, evoking bleak feelings of loneliness.  

    treestarbird3_mattshallenberger treestarbird4_mattshallenbergertreestarbird1_mattshallenberger treestarbird5_mattshallenberger

  8. Artist: Xochi Solis

    January 2, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    These pieces from Austin-based artist Xochi Solis are keeping painting weird! Mixing solids with found imagery on top of swift brushstrokes of watery, opaque and metallic paint.  In these simple abstract paintings, Xochi creates competing layers bouncing between the 2nd and 3rd dimension. astheypulledyououtoftheoxygentent_xochisolis begentlewiththatnotion_xochisolis frenchexit_xochisolisonesecondoflove_xochisolis takeheart_xochisolisVIA: The Jealous Curator

  9. Artist: Leah Reena Goren

    January 2, 2013 by Erin Fletcher


    You will fall in love Leah Reena Goren, trust me. She’s an all around superstar, transforming her watercolor illustrations into delightful decor for your home and body. Leah’s work has been scattered all over the internet at various boutiques and blogs. I’ve already raved about her Moon Phase Scarf, a most recent collaboration for Leah, Rachael & Julia

    Over at Etsy you will find even more scarves and other garments, as well as totes and prints for your walls. Even though she’s currently on holiday vacation, bookmark it and check her out at Society6.


    Plus, she’s got a thing for drawing flowers and cats, which I just can’t resist ogling.

    patterns1_leahreenagoren patterns2_leahreenagoren

  10. Artist: Alyson Fox

    December 27, 2012 by Erin Fletcher


    I think it’s fair to say that I have an obsession for triangles, so these drawings from Alyson Fox are like candy to my eyes! In this series titled Quilts, Alyson combines marker, paper and watercolor drawings to form these pleasing designs. 

    quilt5_alysonfox quilt3_alysonfox quilt2_alysonfox quilt1_alysonfox

  • My name is Erin Fletcher, owner and bookbinder of Herringbone Bindery in Boston. Flash of the Hand is a space where I share my process and inspirations.
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