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Upcoming Workshops // March to May

March 17, 2017 by Erin Fletcher

Fundamentals of Bookbinding I
April 24 – 28 (Monday – Friday)
8:30am – 4:30pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston MA

This is a great workshop if you are interested in the full-time program at North Bennet or wanting to learn a new skill. During the workshop students will explore the basics of bookbinding through a variety of non-adhesive structures and finish the week by making a flatback case binding. We will discuss materials, adhesives, tool use and students will have access to traditional bindery equipment.

Secret Belgian Binding – 3 Ways
May 6 – 7 (Saturday & Sunday)
8:30am – 4:30pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston MA

Just a few spots left in this workshop. On day one, students assemble two variations of this non-adhesive structure, which is simple and can be quickly constructed. It opens flat and is perfect for thinner text blocks. On day two, students explore modified versions of the Secret Belgian binding by playing with the amount and size of sewing holes and incorporating Tyvek.

Make Your Own Punching Cradle
May 20 (Saturday)
9:00am – 1:00pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston MA

A punching cradle is a very useful piece of equipment for bookbinders. During this class, students create a collapsible punching cradle with a variable length. The collapsible cradle is lightweight, saves space, and is perfect for traveling or working in small spaces.

  1. Helene Jolis says:

    Hello Erin,
    about the secret belgian binding, it is not a secret that this technique has been created by Anne Goy who is bookbinder and teatcher in La Cambre in Bruxelles. she creates it in the 1980, and recently she wrote a book, (in French AND in English) to explain how to do it, and she called it crisscross binging.
    if you want to know more I can send you the reference of the book.
    somebody learned from her this binding and than spread it in North America without saying her name but she is real, alive and very creative.

    a bientot,
    Helene Jolis (France)

  2. Hello Helene,
    Thanks for your comment. I do have a copy Anne Goy’s book. And I do mention her contribution and the overall confusion about it’s origins during my workshops. But I’m a bit apprehensive to call it a Criss Cross Binding as I know that to be a different structure entirely.

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  • My name is Erin Fletcher, owner and bookbinder of Herringbone Bindery in Boston. Flash of the Hand is a space where I share my process and inspirations.
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